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Newton, Massachusetts
7 Questions
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Eric Nov 23, 2016 997 views

How do I transfer colleges?

I'm a current high school student. I was just curious how the process might be to transfer from a school to a better one that I might not be able to get into from high school. #college #college-admissions #college-selection #college-transfer

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Eric Nov 03, 2016 2300 views

What questions to ask an entrepreneur panel?

I'm hosting a panel of entrepreneurs at my high school, what kind of questions should I ask them specifically pertaining to the fact they are entrepreneurs.

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Eric Oct 30, 2016 1147 views

What courses will I have to take if I major in engineering in general? and specifically what about aerospace and civil engineering?

I'm interested in studying engineering and what to know what courses I might have to take. #engineering #college-major #civil-engineering #aerospace-engineering #college-selection

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Eric Oct 30, 2016 1070 views

What are courses I will have to take if I major in economics?

I'm interested in studying economics and what to know what courses I might have to take. #college #college-major #economics #college-majors

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Eric Oct 30, 2016 1246 views

What are some tips for majors/careers that require lots of math for someone who doesn't like math the most?

I am a current high school student who is thinking about what I want to major in in college and also what I want to do with my career. The topics of engineering and economics interest me but they both require lots of math. Math is not my favorite subject. #college #engineering #career...

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Eric Aug 18, 2016 956 views

How useful/beneficial is a private college counselor?

I had never heard of anyone using a private counselor but upon moving to the northeast, it seems its a relatively common thing among my friends. #college #college-admissions #guidance-counselor

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Eric Jul 28, 2016 1297 views

What is a gap year and is it for me?

I have heard that more and more students are taking gap year after high school and before their college studies. I know the general gist but what exactly is a gap year and why might I want or not want to take one? #college