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Peter Lim’s Avatar

Peter Lim

Head of Finance and Legal Systems
Business and Financial Operations Occupations
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
3 Answers
2916 Reads
1 Karma

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Ivana’s Avatar
Ivana Oct 02, 2023 2193 views

Are there any careers that may match my likes and dislikes?

Hi, I'm a college freshman studying Business Admin and I interned at two finance corporations this year (equity capital markets team + bank resource mgt team). I'm trying to think of a career that I will enjoy or a job that I can at least start straight out of college. Does anyone have any...

Quennaldria’s Avatar
Quennaldria Nov 28, 2023 575 views

I am graduating with a MS in Digital Financial Technology in two weeks, I have been in finance for over 10 years and don't want to start over. How can I find a new position that doesn't put me back at entry level?

I need help getting into my field without starting back at entry level.

Destynee’s Avatar
Destynee Jan 21 1626 views

Do I need to study calculus in high school to be an accountant?

I've researched it and the internet says no but the people I talk to are giving me mixed messages. I don't know who to trust on this.