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New York, New York
17 Questions
1872 Karma

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Ivana Dec 10, 2023 784 views

Does commercial banking involve being in teams?

Hello, I'm a first year college student considering commercial banking as a career (or at least my first). I interned at JPMC and enjoyed the fact that there were teams and people worked together on projects. Is this also the case in commercial banking roles? If so, then which ones? In my...

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Ivana Nov 21, 2023 1748 views

In consulting, do you have to get your own clients?

Hi I'm a first year college student and I'm considering consulting as a career or advisory such as financial planner. But I do NOT like reaching out to people and the idea of trying to get clients on my own. Is this the only way to get clients or do some firms do that for you?

Thank you

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Ivana Oct 02, 2023 2128 views

Are there any careers that may match my likes and dislikes?

Hi, I'm a college freshman studying Business Admin and I interned at two finance corporations this year (equity capital markets team + bank resource mgt team). I'm trying to think of a career that I will enjoy or a job that I can at least start straight out of college. Does anyone have any...

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Ivana Sep 30, 2023 627 views

How did you end up working as a forensic accountant (from what you studied in college to your current job :) ?

Hello, I'm a college freshman studying Business Admin and exploring the different business careers. What is your fav part and least fav part of your role? To what extent do you communicate with individual clients? Thank you!

Ivana’s Avatar
Ivana Jun 20, 2023 590 views

What are your likes and dislikes of being a financial advisor? What did you study in college?

Hi I am a high school senior, graduating this week. My School doesn't have finance as a major so I hope to get my MBA with finance concentration. Can I still become a financial advisor? What did you study in college? What experience did you need before getting your current position? What are...

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Ivana May 20, 2023 448 views

What do you do at the end of an internship?

Hi, I am a high school senior in a finance internship(since February) and I have about nine days left. I know to say thank you to everyone and ask my supervisors if they can connect me to anyone but is there anything else that I should do since my time here is ending?

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Ivana Mar 11, 2023 2106 views

What jobs are there with a degree in accounting besides an accountant?

Hello, I am a senior in high school. After college I plan on becoming a public accountant but I will still like to learn about other options because just because you have a degree in accounting doesn't mean you have to be a public/private accountant, auditor, tax person, etc. I will either...

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Ivana Mar 11, 2023 1395 views

What accounting jobs will become "extinct" within the next ten-ish years?

Hello, I am a senior in high school and I plan on majoring in Accounting but it is hard to keep up with careers that are going to be automated and those that are not. Which accounting jobs don't have a future? Thank you

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Ivana Feb 10, 2023 5199 views

Which engineering is closest related to business?

Hi, I am a senior in high school and I'm wondering which engineering is closest to business. I like problem solving and calculus is a class that I enjoy- not love, but enjoy. I want to major in accounting and I know accounting and engineering are very different but I'm just trying to learn as...

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Ivana Jan 12, 2023 1860 views

Does MBA in accounting help when you are also trying to get a CPA?

I will start college in September with a major in Accounting and possibly a minor in something. I want to get my CPA and I'm not sure if I should get my MBA in accounting too. Please share your journey of getting your CPA or CPA and MBA. Please include the degree level that you graduated...

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Ivana Jul 31, 2022 586 views

Hi, I would like to go to a certain school but it is expensive so I need a plan B. My aunt gave me the idea of starting at a CUNY or somewhere cheaper and then transferring to the other school my last two years. This is definitely a good option and I was wondering what you guys think of it? Is there anything that I should be aware of (besides transferring credits) in regards to transferring? Thanks

I'm going to be a high school senior and plan to do this because I'm not exactly sure what do study & don't want to spend 30k/year trying to figure it out...

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Ivana Jun 17, 2022 1367 views

Hi, if I study information systems, can I get a CPA in accounting or do I have to do accounting by itself? Is there a huge advantage by choosing accounting and getting CPA over doing information systems for 4 years?

I am more interested in information systems than accounting (I think)

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Ivana Dec 30, 2021 731 views

What are the different types of jobs that involve working in front desk and answering people’s questions/ assisting them- like customer service, secretary, etc.

I see people in dentists and other places that sit in front and deal with the people that come in. What types of jobs are those? Thanks #human-resources