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Jason Hill’s Avatar

Jason Hill

Operational Excellence
Installation, Maintenance, and Repair Occupations
Huntersville, North Carolina
5 Answers
4059 Reads
1 Karma

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Christian’s Avatar
Christian Feb 07 673 views

Should I go for a APICS cert before I graduate?

Hello all, I am currently in my senior year pursuing a BS in SCM. I have been rejected from multiple internships and I’m wondering if it’s because I am not at a top school for SCM. To help me out with job prospects once I graduate, I’m thinking of paying for the ASCM CSCP cert and begin...

Andrew’s Avatar
Andrew Aug 12, 2022 700 views

I want to be a Supply Chain Enginer, Corperate exceutive, or a high ranking supply chain offial. I was wondering what degree I should double major with supply chain management?

Does going to a prestigous university make any diffrence aqquring a job in this field? How stressful is a supply chain management major and the jobs? How would I need to network to achieve my goals?

marwan’s Avatar
marwan Dec 05, 2022 824 views

should i get 1 or 2 minors or none as a supply chain major?

Should I get a minor in either data analysis or btm (business technology management) as a supply chain major or is it better to get a minor in both? or is no minor okay as well

Mitchell’s Avatar
Mitchell Apr 03, 2023 1547 views

What is a better minor for someone majoring in Operations Management between supply chain management and accounting?

Both interest me a great deal, but I am interested in the practicality of either degree for my major or in the job market. Thank you for any insight or advice!

Luke’s Avatar
Luke Dec 22, 2023 1320 views

How do I make myself stand out when looking for a business management job?

I think I may go to college whenever I get a baseball scholarship to! The college must have some sort of business degree!