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Aberdeen, South Dakota
14 Questions
1296 Karma

Andrew’s Career Goals

I'm not too sure what I want to do at the moment. I'm looking into jobs in law, economics, finance and logistics.

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Andrew Jul 20 453 views

What should I wear to a interview?

I know this title is quite general, but once I saw a video saying you shouldn't carry a backpack to a interview but instead a laptop bag or a briefcase. Is that necessary? Does using a laptop bag or a brief case look more professional?

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Andrew Apr 29 466 views

Should I attend Northeastern University or a cheaper state school?

For context, my parents are insistent that I go to Northeastern University, as they're obsessed with acceptance rates. It's 34,000 without federal loans, which is quite outrageous as we are broke. They're insistent that they are able to afford it yet even if were not, I'd rather not spend that...

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Andrew Apr 25 763 views

Should I work full time during college?

For some background information I'm pretty broke. My family dosen't have the best circumstances and they're trying to invest in a new location for a resteraunt. I'm going to be attending Northeastern Oakland next school year and I'm wondering if I should work more than a federal work study. A...

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Andrew Apr 15 976 views

What is work life balance like in supply chain management careers?

I'm wondering what the work life balance in supply chain management careers is like?

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Andrew Mar 06 1702 views

Can a history major go into a business job?

I love the study of history more than any other subject and if I could major in it I would. I've always heard that history majors are versatile as the soft skills will land you a job from teaching to business. What business jobs can history majors get and how much will they be paid. Would it be...

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Andrew Mar 04 1504 views

Is a BS, BA or BBA in economics better ?

I'm wondering if a BS, BA, or BBA is better for a economics major. I know there are different graduation requirements, but will it help in getting a job?

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Andrew Feb 20 1426 views

Is high school honors worth it?

I'm wondering if high school honors matter to empoylers. I already got accepted ED into Northeastern University, so I assume it won't matter to colleges if I didn't get one. I'm planning to drop a math class as I hate math and it just stresses me out. Will Northeastern rescind my application if...

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Andrew Oct 01, 2023 1178 views

Is there good jobs for history majors in the job field?

I've always heard that history majors are useless. I love the study of our past and the stories of people. My APUSH teacher always said that there are plenty of jobs for history majors in business due to the soft skills learned from the major. What are some good jobs that history majors can go...

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Andrew Feb 18, 2023 1017 views

Is it better to minor or double major in history?

I'm considering minoring, or double majoring in history. I enjoy studying history and have 6 AP credits of history already. I was wondering if it's better to minor or double major. Which looks better on a resume to employers? If I minor then could I graduate with a double major in two business...

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Andrew Oct 22, 2022 1974 views

Would it be a good idea to double major for law school?

I've been considering becoming a lawyer as my parents really want me to become one. Would it be a good idea to double major in undergrad for law school? I might not want to be a lawyer in the end, so having a double major might help if I didn't want to go to law school. Would having a double...

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Andrew Sep 15, 2022 786 views

Business Administration Supply Chain Management, Operations and Supply Chain Management, or Supply Chain Management?

I'm on my college search process at the moment and I was wondering what's the diffrence between the three majors? Would one be more valuable to an empoyler?

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Andrew Aug 17, 2022 475 views

How would I reach my goal if I had to stay in state for college?

I really want to go out of state for college as there's not many opportunities in South Dakota. If I were to stay in state for college, so I was wondering how I would reach my goal of a supply chain engineer, or some other supply chain job? Would an operations management minor and a management...

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Andrew Aug 12, 2022 939 views

Are MOOCS good on a college application?

I was wondering if Mass Open Online Courses are good on a college application if I don't pay for a certification?

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Andrew Aug 12, 2022 700 views

I want to be a Supply Chain Enginer, Corperate exceutive, or a high ranking supply chain offial. I was wondering what degree I should double major with supply chain management?

Does going to a prestigous university make any diffrence aqquring a job in this field? How stressful is a supply chain management major and the jobs? How would I need to network to achieve my goals?