Aeliana Carpenter
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Hello! I am new to this website, and joined because it seemed so convenient. I am a Highschool student and finding the right career or job has proven a challenge for me. My interests for finding the perfect job are helping animals or helping families and the community. Does anyone have any suggestions to get me started on my journey?
I have a huge love for animals. I have a big interest of working at animal shelters and helping the pets with their basic needs, and help to find a forever home. I also have a very big heart when it comes to the less fortunate. I would like to help the homeless with needs and shelter, and give...

what do you need to become a pediatrician?
what do you need to become a pediatrician?

Who am i suppose to contact when i'm battling with assignments?
Who am i suppose to contact when i'm battling with assignments?

How can I navigate myself in the college having to study biology ?
I want to study biology major

what careers should i keep in mind for the future?
Im at a loss at what career i want to be in exiting highschool or what future education should i look foward to, Half way through my junior year and i havent made any application essay or have a job at the moment.