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Sam Mahra’s Avatar

Sam Mahra

Regional Director of Admissions
Management Occupations - Educational Instruction and Library Occupations
Atlanta, Georgia
6 Answers
6371 Reads
2 Karma



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Madison’s Avatar
Madison Sep 29, 2017 768 views

I am interested in Architectural Engineering. I have been told that getting my Master's Degree will require 6 years of schooling - is this true? Or do I only need the standard 5 years?

I would like to earn my master's in Architectural Engineering, thus I need to know how many years of schooling I am required to take. Hopefully, money earned through scholarship programs will assist in paying for additional years of schooling. #architecture #architectural-engineering...

Cooper’s Avatar
Cooper Mar 27, 2018 895 views

How important is the college you attend for your undergraduate degree?

I have gotten into several schools, with varied reputations. My parents would like me to attend the most challenging and reputable from an academic standpoint. I want to find the right fit. #college #college-advice #college-selection

Hannah’s Avatar
Hannah Mar 26, 2018 819 views

What to do when you're denied from your top colleges?

I've recently been denied from my reach schools and a few of my safety schools. I've applied to a couple more but at this point it's hard to get scholarships from those schools since i've applied too late. However, i've been accepted to two small private liberal arts schools but they're not...

Angelina’s Avatar
Angelina Mar 21, 2017 1340 views

Do colleges look more at standardized test scores (ACT/SAT) or GPA?

I'm a Sophomore in high school, and I was wondering if colleges focus more on your ACT/SAT scores or on your GPA?
Thanks in advance! #college #business #medicine #science #teaching #college-bound #testing

Rupak’s Avatar
Rupak Sep 01, 2017 1553 views

What do we exactly need to achieve in order to get into Harvard University?

I am currently studying in LaGuardia Community College and I plan to transfer to one of the ivy league colleges for the next fall. So, I want to make sure I meet all of the requirements that they need. Its not only my interest, its my necessity.
#education #harvard #transfer #college-admissions

Anacletus’s Avatar
Anacletus Mar 31, 2018 991 views

Is it a good idea to practice the SAT Test with different books from different companies?

I am asking this question because I am getting ready for the SAT, and I have different book from different companies like College Board, Princeton, and Kaplan and I am no sure which book is best for SAT preparation.#sat Practice #college #college-advice