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Karen McAllister’s Avatar

Karen McAllister

Public Relations Professional | Lead PR Manager, AT&T
Business and Financial Operations Occupations - Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, and Media Occupations
Tampa, Florida
3 Answers
2710 Reads
11 Karma

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Haley’s Avatar
Haley Aug 29, 2018 1004 views

Whats the best networking technique?

social media or in person? #social-media #networking

Yanet’s Avatar
Yanet Dec 01, 2017 1026 views

I currently switched my major from Dietetics to Public Relations/Business Administration (minor), I would like to receive some insight on how well the PR career has been for you and if it's a rewarding career - soul fulfilling and money wise?

I recently changed my major to Public Relations and I would like to know more about the career and people who are working in that field. #public-relations #journalism #business-administration #college-major #relationship-management #communications

Serion’s Avatar
Serion May 07, 2018 837 views

What are the steps of becmoing a sucessful sports broadcaster ?

I would like to have a great career ion that field if the NFL does not work out I still would like to have a major hand in the sport #sports-broadcasting #sports #broadcasting #communications #media