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Jared Welch’s Avatar

Jared Welch

Software Engineer
Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Portland, Oregon
2 Answers
2449 Reads
16 Karma

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corey’s Avatar
corey Apr 10, 2019 1550 views

any tips for a new programer

I have the fundamentals down for c++ but I'm looking for advance tips and tricks to make my programs run smoother

#computer-software #programs

Keziah’s Avatar
Keziah Jan 22, 2018 1095 views

What's it like, money wise, to have an apartment?

During college, depending on which one I go to, I was thinking about getting my own apartment, something cheap for now until I save up more money than I do now. I want to have the feeling of living on my own, to try and see if I can handle it. #financial-planning #mortgage