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Abertillery, Wales, United Kingdom

Within 40 mile radius
Kate’s Avatar
Kate Feb 07 455 views

What degree is best suited to major in with the hopes of become a commercial pilot?

I'm thinking of joining the Air Force academy but if I don't get accepted I need a backup plan in the form of college majors.

Yolan’s Avatar
Yolan Mar 13, 2021 685 views

How do I get experience in scientific writing?

I’m currently in second year of my undergraduate degree in Theoretical Physics and want to purser a career in science journalism. But most organizations require me to either be doing journalism as a degree or to have had practice in publishing. So how can I get this experience other than with...

Levi’s Avatar
Levi Feb 24, 2021 554 views

Feel lost with no idea what i want to do with my life.

I'm a 21 year old and honestly feel like a failure everyday. I've bounced from job to job, looking for my purpose. Every job thus far i've had ive absolutely despised. I'm not looking for something that has a huge annual salary, i just want to work somewhere and be truly happy working there. I...

Abigail’s Avatar
Abigail Jan 27, 2021 771 views

what career path would suit me

i reallly like to teach people things but i also like to help animals and people but i can't choose a career path. #career-paths #career-path #career-paths

Jinshuang’s Avatar
Jinshuang Jul 29, 2020 739 views

Is there any possible way to be a in-house translator in England?

I'm an international students and studying in the University of Bristol. I'm currently learning Education in a Master degree, and I will keep study my second master degree in Chinese-English Translation. I would like to develop my career in England as a translator. #masters #communications

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