Career questions tagged futuredoctor

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Brooke633 views

What extra-curricular activities look good on medical school application?

hello! I am currently going into my sophomore year of college and I want to know what are good extracurricular activities to get into that look good on medical school applications..... I know medical school is very competitive so what would help make my application stand out #medschool #pre-med #medschoolapplication #futuredoctor #doctor

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Dana600 views

How do you balance your work and home life?

I am looking at pursuing medecine but I am not sure it is the lifestyle I want, since I am hoping to have a family and ensure I have time at home to spend with them. #student #medecine #futuredoctor

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Maurice732 views

Are there more disadvantages, or advantages to working in a hospital, and what are they?

#medicine #futuredoctor #healthcare #hospital-and-healthcare #doctor #hospital

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Kierra733 views

I want to graduate from a 4 year university in 3 years, Is this possible?

I want to save money by attending community college in the summer and be able to enter medical school. #medschool #medicalschool #FutureDoctor #family-medicine

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brooklyn731 views

How difficult is it to get into medical school

i want to be a pediatrician #futuredoctor #medschool #doctor #medicine #healthcare #hospital-and-heathcare #pediatrics #pediatrician

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Michaela1055 views

What sparks one's calling towards a career?

For most teenagers today, its very confusing and mentally challenging choosing a career path for one's whole future. For me, I want to go into the medical field. I am currently in my school's CNA and CMAA certification program. Just this week when I went to a nursing home for hours, the conditions weren't great. It had me thinking of my future and if medical is really where I should go. On the other hand, Summer 2016 I attended a medical camp where I learned skills and important information on health careers. When on a trip to the New York College of Medicine, I held a human heart in my own two hands. I was sure this was my calling. At this point after being hands on, I need reassurance. #medical-practice #medicine #doctor #futuredoctor

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Jazlynn723 views

What steps should be taken after and during high school to become a Pediatric surgeon?

I'm am asking this based on where I want to process in the future. Knowing what steps I need to take,what is expected,what is the daily job description,and what is the day to day opportunities. #schools-of-the-future #futuredoctor #higher-education

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Addison645 views

What is the most strenuous thing a doctor faces on a daily basis?

I have always had an interest in becoming a medical professional, and I want to get more insight into the life of a doctor or he/ she faces on a day to day basis. Saving lives and helping increase the quality of one's life is part of what drives my passion to pursue this career. #medicine #doctor #premedical #futuredoctor #healthcare #hospital-and-health-care

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mishkah758 views

can i study in the US as a pre med undergrad if im not american?

i am an international student looking fr scholarships to study anything to do with medicine and health care as an undergrad in the US what are my chances of being able to achieve this? #medicine #futuredoctor

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