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DaneeshaNFTEBxAero’s Avatar
DaneeshaNFTEBxAero Jan 18, 2012 25570 views

What are the main challenges an entrepreneur faces when starting up a business?

I am an entrepreneur in high school and I plan to have my business up and running by the end of this year. However, I want to know the main problems that entrepreneurs face so that I am better prepared to handle them when they cross my path. #business #entrepreneurship #startups

Anina’s Avatar
Anina Apr 27, 2016 3992 views

What are the advantages and disadvantages of working for a big corporation vs a smaller company or even startup?

Hi! My name is Anina and I'm a high school senior interning at Career Village. I'm curious to learn what influenced your decision to work for a big corporation over a smaller one (or vice versa). We don't hear as much about how people go about finding/selecting the companies they want to work...

Ariel’s Avatar
Ariel Aug 26, 2018 962 views

What are some things you wish you thought you knew when you started your own business?

#career #entrepreneurship #business #startups

Jane’s Avatar
Jane May 16, 2020 1033 views

I'm really interested in understanding human behavior and solving problems, but I don't have extensive tech experience. Could a career in AI be right for me?

Hi! I'm a high school student trying to figure out possible career paths I would be suited for. I've always been interested in language, neuropsychology; finding a way to integrate that with upcoming tech sounds fascinating. #technology #ai #artificialintelligence #behavior #computerscience...