Alexander Urkiel
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How do I know if a community college or University is right for me?
I don't know where I want to go now, so many people have different opinions and they're helpful, but, I am just getting more confused, can someone give me some tips on finding what is right for me? #college #undecided #career

What type of part time seems good enough for a beginner?
I have some work experience through a program in high school, but never really got a job on my own ever. I'm just curious about what is the best part-time job is there for me. I got a high school diploma and right now going to college. It's summer, and I plan to save up for some money. #job...

Should I go into bussiness or medicine
I change my mind a lot and want to do something that is I enjoy every day. I feel that business is broad and it is so much you can do with a business major, however, being a doctor is so straightforward because having a medical degree is just being a doctor. I have always wanted to be a doctor...

Starting school again was hard for financial reasons and being a single mom....has anyone else had to hold off on schooling due to financial reasons and how did you find a way to make things work?
Im a single mom and unsure how to start back up when i just lost my fulltime job and also need to find a job to pay for rent. #singlemomlife #career

Any advice for a upcoming college freshman?
I will be attending Old Dominion University majoring in Cytotechnology #college #college-advice

What advice would give someone who is coinciding this type of job (or field)
#career #job #job-search

Is it hard to switch majors during college?
I'm not 100% sure of what I want to do after college. #college-majors