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Venkata Subbarao Putta’s Avatar

Venkata Subbarao Putta

Software Engineer
Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India
6 Answers
3834 Reads
22 Karma

Active Locations

nora’s Avatar
nora Feb 23, 2023 650 views

What are some career choices for someone whose favorite subjects are english and art??

I enjoy painting and find learning english my favorite out of all my subjects

Ridwan’s Avatar
Ridwan Feb 17, 2023 631 views

what do I need to know as a data scientist?

I am an Msc student in data science and artificial intelligence. I had no previous background in programming hence I find it difficult to cope.

Emmanuel’s Avatar
Emmanuel Jul 29, 2020 1028 views

It's really the data science career a good option in the present?

I am a student in the area of autotronic, and artificial intelligence. #AI #DataScience


Dylan’s Avatar
Dylan Nov 10, 2020 541 views

What is the starting salary for a Locomotive Engineer

I'm a teen looking at future Job opportunity and I thought I would get some advice on what it is like being a Locomotive Engineer. #jobs

kathryn’s Avatar
kathryn Oct 27, 2020 471 views

Is it hard to be a pastry chef?

#pastrychef #job

David’s Avatar
David Oct 28, 2020 828 views

What is the easiest way to get money?

#Futbol #technology #math #sience #sapce #money #scholarships