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Ben Morris’s Avatar

Ben Morris

Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, and Media Occupations
London, England, United Kingdom
5 Answers
3006 Reads
11 Karma



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Ariale’s Avatar
Ariale Oct 31, 2022 531 views

How do you make it into the film industry as a director?

To be honest I don't know where I would start after collage.

Joseph’s Avatar
Joseph Oct 17, 2022 866 views

Do you need a certain degree to become an actor or film producer?

Do you need a certain degree to become an actor or film producer?

Shaniya’s Avatar
Shaniya Sep 16, 2022 481 views

What is the daily life of a screenwriter for a film production company?

I currently write scripts and possibly am looking at being a screenwriter as a career choice but I don't even know what they do beside write scripts. Do they do other things?

Jailine’s Avatar
Jailine Jun 12, 2021 820 views

How to become a screenwriter?

I’m interested in pursuing screenwriting for shows and films. What would entering this industry look like? What education/experience would I need? Thank you

#film #television #writing #entertainment

trevaire’s Avatar
trevaire Jun 03, 2021 495 views

what college is best for becoming a director

#director #television #experience