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Javonte’s Avatar


Austin, Texas
19 Questions
1316 Karma

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Civic Duty

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Javonte’s Avatar
Javonte May 24, 2016 790 views

What's the easiest part about game design?

I want to know. #gamer

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Javonte May 24, 2016 1351 views

How long did you have to go to school?

I don't want to be in school for ever. #engineer #tech #scientist

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Javonte May 24, 2016 1398 views

Are you able to do your job without science?

Science is hard, and I don't want to do that for ever. #engineer #tech #gamer

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Javonte May 24, 2016 2217 views

What is your job?

I want to know what you do and the differences between the jobs.

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Javonte May 24, 2016 980 views

How do you make phones?

I'm interested in how it's made. #engineer #design

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Javonte May 24, 2016 1071 views

Do you have to go to school to code?

My brother told me they taught him how to code in college. Do we have to go to college to learn how to code? #programmer

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Javonte May 24, 2016 849 views

Do you make a lot of money?

My teachers told me that engineers make lots of many. I want to know if this is true. #engineer

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Javonte May 24, 2016 1195 views

What gaming device do you play on the most?

I'm interested in learning what game developers enjoy playing the most (Playstation, Xbox, etc.)

[P.S. This question was edited by a site admin for grammar and clarity.] #college #career #technology #video-games #computer-games #game-development

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Javonte May 24, 2016 1071 views

What kind of things do doctors do?

I want to be a doctor. I dont know what all they do. #doctor #medicine

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Javonte May 24, 2016 801 views

What does it feel like to build stuff?

I want to know about engineers. #engineer

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Javonte May 24, 2016 3247 views

What game/activities do you like the most?

I want to know what inspires you to do your job? #tech #robotics

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Javonte May 24, 2016 1590 views

How did you start liking science?

I don't really like science. I want to know what makes you like it #scientist #science

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Javonte May 24, 2016 1022 views

How did you get to your career?

I want to learn about how I can get to where you are. #gamer

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Javonte May 24, 2016 771 views

How often do you do experiments?

I want to know how much science is in your job. #engineer #gamer

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Javonte May 24, 2016 986 views

How exactly do you make a video game?

I want to make video games when I'm older. #engineer #gamer