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Brett Oestreich’s Avatar

Brett Oestreich

Diplomat - Special Agent
Legal Occupations - Military Specific Occupations
Washington, Washington
7 Answers
4816 Reads
2 Karma

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Alondra’s Avatar
Alondra Apr 16, 2021 606 views

When do you know when a career path is right for you?

I am a junior in high school. I'm interested in maybe teaching or the medical field but I am not exactly sure what I want to do. #career-paths #career

aanya’s Avatar
aanya Apr 17, 2021 680 views

how do I know what major to pick for college and pls don't tell me to pick what I'm interested in , if i knew that i wouldn't be here.

#college #anxiety

Devetra’s Avatar
Devetra Jan 21, 2018 578 views

If you are an American citizen wishing to work in another country what is the process to do so?

Wanting to one day work in another country while still being an American citizen. #visas

Roberto’s Avatar
Roberto Feb 04, 2020 641 views

What is a typical day in Immigration Customs

#research #Immigration

Omar’s Avatar
Omar Oct 03, 2019 872 views

What is the most challenging thing about being a criminal investigator?

#robertolozano #interested #criminology #criminal-justice #law

Omar’s Avatar
Omar Oct 03, 2019 1684 views

How many hours do you typically work a week as a criminal investigator?

#robertolozano #interested #criminology #criminal-justice #law

Omar’s Avatar
Omar Oct 03, 2019 1394 views

Are there too many or too few people in the field of criminal investigating?

#robertolozano #interested #criminology #criminal-justice #law