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Chris Kao’s Avatar

Chris Kao

8 Answers
3648 Reads
1 Karma
Rishikesh’s Avatar
Rishikesh May 10, 2021 463 views

how to earn money from online jobs

#respect #riding

Núria’s Avatar
Núria Mar 16, 2021 541 views

Is it feasible to do a degree in Law and a higher degree in piano performance?

I am an IB student and I would like to study Law at university. I also study piano at the conservatory and I would like to dedicate myself to it, so I do the Higher Degree in Interpretation. Is it possible to do both? #ib #piano #law

payton’s Avatar
payton Mar 17, 2021 344 views

How many years did it take to go from Amateur to pro.

i am a student. #student

Biruk’s Avatar
Biruk Mar 15, 2021 524 views

Is it worth going to college for 7 years to become a lawyer

I'm Just curious

Vansh’s Avatar
Vansh Feb 26, 2021 413 views

Which stream should I take in class 11 to become a tour guider?

Which stream should I take in class 11 to become a tour guider?

I want to become a tour guider so for that which stream should I take for it?

Layla’s Avatar
Layla Jul 13, 2018 631 views

What college is best fitted for me if i am a musician


I am very good at the drums and i stared at 10 (i just turned 10 that year)

Cody’s Avatar
Cody Jan 16, 2018 950 views

Research opportunities for physics/astronomy?

What kind of jobs can I get into after college that will allow me to research astrophysics/astronomy? I don't want to teach, I'd rather research and publish scientific papers. #astrophysics #science #physics #research #astronomy

jakiya’s Avatar
jakiya May 11, 2021 702 views

Could i own a hospital at the age of 23?

#general #healthcare # #doctor