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Joliet, Illinois
3 Questions
71 Karma

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Elliott’s Avatar
Elliott Sep 23, 2022 632 views

How did you become a head chef?

What training did you go through to become the chef you are today and how did you go about it. Was it mostly over the years moving up in the job or was it more education and training in a classroom like setting.

Elliott’s Avatar
Elliott Sep 23, 2022 946 views

Why did you decide to become a head chef?

What made you want to become a chef working in a restaurant. Did you decide to do it for the love of food or for a deeper meaning.

Elliott’s Avatar
Elliott Sep 23, 2022 802 views

What is the most fulfilling part of being a head chef?

What part of being a chef brings the most joy is it the art of making the meal for an individual or is it a much larger aspect.