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Priscila Arruda’s Avatar

Priscila Arruda

Customer Success Manager
Management Occupations - Sales and Related Occupations
São Paulo, Brazil
7 Answers
3733 Reads
2 Karma

Active Locations

Henry’s Avatar
Henry Jan 31, 2023 769 views

What are some key skills for working at jobs in general?

I want to learn about some useful skills that I can apply to a wide variety of jobs. I think it'll be good for me to learn about skills that can be used in many areas, and also skills that I might need to work on.

CareerVillage Office Hours’s Avatar
CareerVillage Office Hours Mar 08, 2023 645 views

What is the best way to assess my skills and passions?

This is part of our professionals series

Gwen’s Avatar
Gwen Apr 12, 2023 653 views

How do you deal with stress?

In school it gets really overwhelming and stressful and the teachers and peers just keep talking making me even more stressed and i don't know anything to help my stress when i cant get out of the class.

CareerVillage Office Hours’s Avatar
CareerVillage Office Hours Feb 17, 2023 866 views

What are important soft skills, and how to you learn them?

This is part of our professionals series

kaitlin’s Avatar
kaitlin Oct 18, 2022 529 views

when did you know what job you wanted?

i am confused at what i want to do with my life. theres a few things im good at but i can never stick to one thing long enough, i was just wondering how you knew.

Jun Yu’s Avatar
Jun Yu Feb 01, 2023 631 views

What skills have you found essential to your job?

How do these skills contribute to your role?

Tiffanie’s Avatar
Tiffanie Jul 25, 2016 2418 views

How do you approach a difficult customer ?

When you are dealing with someone who is visibly upset, what do you do to stop the situation from going to far? #work #customer