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Eric Mensah’s Avatar

Eric Mensah

IT Consultant
Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Frederick, Maryland
13 Answers
7113 Reads
11 Karma



Active Locations


I am IT Consultant for a Consulting company. Currently, I am into Cloud Computing and Cybersecurity.

Eric’s Career Stories

How did you pick your career? Did you know all along?

I was inspired by a web design class that was offered at my church. I had been using computer for less than 2 years at the time, but I was excited when I created my first web page using HTML in Windows Notepad and Microsoft FrontPage.

When did you get your first Big Break? How did you get it? How did it go?

As a Web Design Specialist student, I got the chance to do internship at the Library of Congress in Washington DC. This internship boosted my passion for Web Development and Information Technology as a whole.

How did you start building your network?

Through internships and mingling with older folks from my church and family friends who were already into Information Technology. I followed the footsteps of people who were doing well in life, and I took lessons from people who were not doing well in life. Lessons from both sides helped me.