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Ranelle Golden’s Avatar

Ranelle Golden

Screenwriter, Director and Producer
Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, and Media Occupations
Orlando, Florida
5 Answers
9355 Reads
1 Karma

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Ashley’s Avatar
Ashley Sep 07, 2023 531 views

Film Production Degree and what to do afterward

What should be my next step after graduating with my master's in film production. How should I approach, and why should this be my next step and why should I do it that way? Where should I start these processes? I want to set a specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound, 6 month...

dylan’s Avatar
dylan Aug 22, 2023 1727 views

how do I stand out if I want to go to film school?

hi I'm a freshman in high school and when I'm older r I want to be a director.what should I do to help me become prepared and to stand out to the film school I want to go to, and how do I find out if this is really what I want to do.

Jaedene’s Avatar
Jaedene Jul 22, 2023 5764 views

How can I improve my writing skills??

I really want to improve my writing skills but I'm not sure how. Is there any websites or practices I could do?

Shirley’s Avatar
Shirley Aug 14, 2023 805 views

How would I go about being a writer?

I’m looking to be a writer. What would I have to do to be a great writer? When is the best time to try and publish something?

Luke’s Avatar
Luke Aug 17, 2023 756 views

What is it like being a writer for a movie or TV show?

Hello. I will become a High School Junior next week, and I am interested in writing movies and TV shows as one of my possible careers (others include editing and acting), and i wanted to know what the daily life of a writer was as a reference to see if ill like that career path. Thanks!