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Deepak Rajan’s Avatar

Deepak Rajan

Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
10 Answers
16937 Reads
46 Karma

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Caio’s Avatar
Caio Jan 24, 2017 1598 views

How do we choose between two equally good colleges?

I'm currently inconclusive whether I should apply to SCAD Atlanta or SCAD Savannah, as both schools give me equal opportunity of success. How does one decide? #college #art #design #scad

Preksha’s Avatar
Preksha Dec 13, 2016 768 views

What colleges would be suitable for Veterinarian studies?

I would like to study abroad after my 2nd PU but I don't know much about this topic. Thus I would very much appreciate any information about good veterinarian colleges, particularly in Australia or USA, and any requirements to qualify for admission there. If it'll help, I am an American...

Shwethakshi ’s Avatar
Shwethakshi Jun 22, 2016 770 views

I want become chemist ? which i need to study in degree level help me

I want become a chemist #any

Shivashakar’s Avatar
Shivashakar Jun 22, 2016 667 views

i want study about film direction ? which is good schoolings for film related studies ?

Guide me for a my career plan #any

Syed’s Avatar
Syed Jun 22, 2016 4185 views

Can a graduate pursue Law degree also?

My brother has completed his graduation as an engineer. But he is not getting any job in his field. So can He pursue Law degree now? #engineering #engineer #lawyer #counselling #lawyers #it-lawyer

Bhagya’s Avatar
Bhagya Jun 23, 2016 1285 views

Which is best institute to learn animation and VFX ?

I want become a graphics designer? #any

Prashanth ’s Avatar
Prashanth Jun 22, 2016 1947 views

i want become software engineer in the IT ? which subject i need study and which programming language is best in the IT field?

m studying in the 9th class guide in for career plan ? which programming language need to study now #career #engineer #educator

kavya’s Avatar
kavya Jun 02, 2016 3543 views

what should i do for ITI?

i want to become a ITI. #software #engineering

Nayak’s Avatar
Nayak Jun 22, 2016 1016 views

In which stream i will take in hgher studies for Engineer?

In my childhood i would like build many buildings. So i would select to became a engineer #engineering

Jawahar’s Avatar
Jawahar Jun 18, 2016 1079 views


Hi , I am Jawahar my Tamilnadu, India. To become a computer Engg. What I should Select in 11th Std (Which Group). Job opportunities for Engg #engineer #teacher #professor #computer-engineering