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James McKay’s Avatar

James McKay

Incident, Escalation Management
Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Belfast, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom
4 Answers
1284 Reads
11 Karma

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Genevieve’s Avatar
Genevieve Oct 22, 2024 577 views

How do you overcome your natural shyness to effectively network?

I'm really shy, so the idea of networking makes me really uncomfortable. My shyness is keeping me back from making impactful connections. How do I overcome it?

Sammy’s Avatar
Sammy Oct 22, 2024 578 views

What do you typically learn in College to be a 7th grade math teacher?

I’m in 12th grade, and currently wanting to be a teacher! ❤️

Nolan’s Avatar
Nolan Jan 23, 2018 887 views

When do you find is the best time to study and do homework if you have a spread out schedule?

I will be running cross country and will have 3 hours of practice in the afternoon in addition to classes. I also want to maintain a social life and enjoy the experience.
I also have a lot of friends also going to the same college. I was just curious. #college #time-management

Chrisbel’s Avatar
Chrisbel Jun 23, 2023 337 views

how do I become a constant in school as an athlete?

Any tips? Any advice?
School becomes overwhelming and hard to balance out sometimes