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Sacramento, California
3 Questions
106 Karma

Yekaterina’s Career Goals

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Yekaterina’s Avatar
Yekaterina Jan 16, 2018 1089 views

How can I get in contact with people in the profession I'm considering?

I have wanted to become a biomedical engineer for many years, but there are many times when I wonder whether I would truly thrive in this career. I would love to shadow a biomedical engineer, especially as I want to declare my major in college as soon as possible. Is it rude or unacceptable for...

Yekaterina’s Avatar
Yekaterina Jan 16, 2018 1449 views

Why is trade school so taboo in the US?

In Germany, it is completely normal for students that have graduated school to go directly into a trade school instead of college; in fact, students can learn to be in IT through hands-on learning. In the US, most are encouraged to attend college for four or so years to get a degree before...

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Yekaterina Jan 16, 2018 1401 views

Do employers care whether I earned my degree from a four-year or a community college?

I'm trying to understand whether employers place a lot of emphasis on where a potential employee get their degree. I want to save money by transferring from a community college to a four-year, but I'm worried it may cheapen my profile when I start looking for a career. I have commonly heard the...