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Kelsey Laforest’s Avatar

Kelsey Laforest

Tax Associate at PwC
Business and Financial Operations Occupations
6 Answers
3977 Reads
16 Karma
Roseanna’s Avatar
Roseanna Aug 24, 2018 685 views

How can a shy person make new friends?

I would like to make new friends but I am a very shy person. #friends

Peyton’s Avatar
Peyton Aug 26, 2018 635 views

What is a normal day to day schedule during each year of college?


Sienna’s Avatar
Sienna Aug 23, 2018 427 views

Is there an advantage to applying for smaller, not as well-known scholarships?


Jose’s Avatar
Jose Aug 24, 2018 499 views

What can i expect from moving to a different city for college?


Faith’s Avatar
Faith Aug 27, 2018 1142 views

Being a sophomore in high school, what would be a good mindset to have when studying and having a time schedule?

As a sophomore in high school, I am hyper aware of the stress levels teens have to go through. It would be wonderful to know some time management organization ideas, study skills, stress management, being prepared for upcoming events in my junior year of high school, study apps, anything that...

Kelli’s Avatar
Kelli Aug 22, 2018 690 views

Should I go into an internship that is related to my major?

#internships #majors #internship