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Hector Magnanao’s Avatar

Hector Magnanao

Software Configuration Analyst
Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Naperville, Illinois
6 Answers
26575 Reads
11 Karma

Active Locations

alejandro’s Avatar
alejandro Nov 12, 2019 12913 views

why did you decide to become a software engineer?

#computers #technology #computer-software #engineer #software

Chase’s Avatar
Chase Nov 20, 2019 1833 views

What is the most enjoyable part of your job in your opinion?

#engineering #electrical-engineering #computer-science #job

Rohit’s Avatar
Rohit Sep 13, 2019 935 views

Which is a better job?

Is a degree in computer science better or a degree in finance? #computer-science #computer #software #finance

Joanna’s Avatar
Joanna Aug 23, 2019 737 views

What percent I need to speak English professionally?

#english #education #psychology #professor

Chase’s Avatar
Chase Mar 20, 2019 811 views

What do you like most / least about in this career?

#computer-science #career