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San Antonio, Texas
7 Questions
291 Karma

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Jordan Sep 06, 2019 794 views

What aspects of being an engineer do you find most challenging?

I’m a senior student at Brennan HS. I’m looking into engineering careers because I excel at math and science but have a creative streak that needs an outlet. #engineering #engineer #science #math #career #challengingwork #adviceforadversity

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Jordan Sep 06, 2019 662 views

What professional journals and organizations should I, as a future women engineer, be aware of?

I’m a senior student at Brennan HS. I’m looking into engineering careers because I excel at math and science but have a creative streak that needs an outlet. #engineering #engineer #math #science #engineeringorganizations #networking

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Jordan Sep 06, 2019 702 views

What personal attributes are essential for success for the engineering field?

I’m a senior student at Brennan HS. I’m looking into engineering careers because I excel at math and science but have a creative streak that needs an outlet. #engineering #engineer #career #math #science #personalitytraits #character #success

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Jordan Sep 06, 2019 809 views

What educational preparation would you recommend for someone looking to be an engineer?

I’m a senior student at Brennan HS. I’m looking into engineering careers because I excel at math and science but have a creative streak that needs an outlet. #engineering #math #engineer #science #career #education #collegeclasses #careerpath

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Jordan Sep 06, 2019 796 views

If you had the opportunity to redo your career path, what would you change and why?

I’m a senior student at Brennan HS. I’m looking into engineering careers because I excel at math and science but have a creative streak that needs an outlet. #engineering #science #math #career #careerpath #engineer

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Jordan Sep 06, 2019 934 views

What companies and organizations have the best track record for promoting women in engineering?

I’m a senior student at Brennan HS. I’m looking into engineering careers because I excel at math and science but have a creative streak that needs an outlet. #engineering #engineer #science #math #women #womenengineers #womanengineer

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Jordan Sep 06, 2019 624 views

What is your work environment like as an engineer?

I’m a senior student at Brennan HS. I’m looking into engineering careers because I excel at math and science but have a creative streak that needs an outlet. #science #engineering #engineer #math #workplace