Robbin Koenig
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How do you get your foot in the door when auditioning for professional orchestras? Who can I contact to get information on auditions and music material? How can I start composing my own music? What are good websites or applications when trying to make a musical score?
I play clarinet for my school band and am currently learning Alto Saxophone. I have minimal experience in Oboe but I am planning or picking it up again as well.

What is the best way to meet other programmers and learn from them?
Are there any groups I can join or websites I can go to and find others to teach or learn from?

Do we have to have all good grades to get in?
Music Artists #music-producer #music #music-industry

I wanted to start a music career but not sure if I should continue right now
#career-counseling #career-development #career-path #music #asian I’m from Hong Kong and I want to study undergraduate program in US. Preparing for Toefl and DSE right now. I like music and wanted to make it as my career, but other than that I also want to study one extra subject in college....

Should I participate in a college curricular band with a possible minor in music or join a club band?
I am definitely going to do marching band, and I know some colleges require curricular band to participate. However, not all of the schools I applied to require this. #band #music #minors

How do people enter the profession of an educator?
My name is Gustavo and I’m a senior at Brennan Highschool, I want to work as a teacher and teach young children or young adults. #teacher #education #educator