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Robbin Koenig’s Avatar

Robbin Koenig

Educational Instruction and Library Occupations
New York, New York
6 Answers
5934 Reads
31 Karma

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Meghanne’s Avatar
Meghanne Jun 10, 2023 362 views

How do you get your foot in the door when auditioning for professional orchestras? Who can I contact to get information on auditions and music material? How can I start composing my own music? What are good websites or applications when trying to make a musical score?

I play clarinet for my school band and am currently learning Alto Saxophone. I have minimal experience in Oboe but I am planning or picking it up again as well.

Brayden’s Avatar
Brayden Apr 28, 2022 774 views

What is the best way to meet other programmers and learn from them?

Are there any groups I can join or websites I can go to and find others to teach or learn from?

jeffrey’s Avatar
jeffrey Nov 13, 2020 761 views

Do we have to have all good grades to get in?

Music Artists #music-producer #music #music-industry

Stephanie’s Avatar
Stephanie Jul 26, 2020 1041 views

I wanted to start a music career but not sure if I should continue right now

#career-counseling #career-development #career-path #music #asian I’m from Hong Kong and I want to study undergraduate program in US. Preparing for Toefl and DSE right now. I like music and wanted to make it as my career, but other than that I also want to study one extra subject in college....

Ethan’s Avatar
Ethan Jan 18, 2018 1659 views

Should I participate in a college curricular band with a possible minor in music or join a club band?

I am definitely going to do marching band, and I know some colleges require curricular band to participate. However, not all of the schools I applied to require this. #band #music #minors

Gustavo’s Avatar
Gustavo Sep 06, 2019 1747 views

How do people enter the profession of an educator?

My name is Gustavo and I’m a senior at Brennan Highschool, I want to work as a teacher and teach young children or young adults. #teacher #education #educator