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Tsutomu Yoshida’s Avatar

Tsutomu Yoshida

IT Program Manager
Management Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
3 Answers
3734 Reads
1 Karma
Matthew’s Avatar
Matthew Jul 10, 2018 1093 views

Is Chinese a good language to learn?

I am planning on minoring in Business. Will learning Chinese be helpful, even though I will be living in the U.S.A? # Business #Chinese

Colin’s Avatar
Colin Oct 21, 2016 2650 views

Do you prefer frontend or backend of your Computer Science oriented job? Why?

I am asking this because I am trying to discern which one I will prefer. I do not have very much knowledge or resources regarding which one will be more beneficial to what I would want to do. #computer-science #computer #japan #java #python #javascript

Anastasia’s Avatar
Anastasia Oct 21, 2019 810 views

What drove you to become a cook/chef?

#culinary # #culinary-arts #chef #cooking #hospitality