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Robert Noriega’s Avatar

Robert Noriega

Lieutenant (ret.) at San Jose State University Police Department
Protective Service Occupations - Educational Instruction and Library Occupations
California, California
17 Answers
53736 Reads
76 Karma


Civic Duty

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Jose-Luis’s Avatar
Jose-Luis Nov 21, 2014 4232 views

How do you destress as a police officer on a tough day at work?

Im interested in how police officers deal with day to day problems and how they over come them. #police #law-enforcement #cops

Ricardo ’s Avatar
Ricardo May 06, 2015 6387 views

To become a police officer do you need to major in criminal justice?

I'm interested in becoming a law enforcement officer and would like to know what type of majors would help me accomplish this. #college #criminal-justice #law-enforcement #police-officer