Career questions tagged pros

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Amanda667 views

What are some pros and cons of farming and working with animals?

I would like to know what makes farming worth it and what makes it hard. I don't know if this will be my career yet but I am interested in checking it out.

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Amanda612 views

What things should I know when going into farming?

I am a 10th grader in high school and I am wondering what are some important things to be aware of before you start. I don't have very much experience so I would love to hear some of the pros and cons.

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Jordan829 views

What do you like most about your career choice?

What do you like most about being a Nurse Practitioner?

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Ashley621 views

What are your Top 3 major pros and 3 major cons of being a head chef in a restaurant?

#pros #cons #head-chefs #head-cooks #restuaraunt I'm actually a beginner in culinary. Of course I've cooked plenty of times, but I want to cook on a whole other level so I think knowing what I'm getting myself into would be a good way of deciding if I would have a passion for this like I think I do.

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Nada3743 views

Which university is better USC or UCLA and what are the pros and cons of both?

At the moment the most appealing choices I have are USC and UCLA so I want to know which one is better and if that can't be determined what are the pros and cons of each weighed against each other. This is mainly for curiosity's sake but I am also genuinely interested in the matter. #university #higher-education #ucla #cons #pros #usc

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Nada1641 views

What are the pros and cons of the SAT and the ACT weighed against each other?

I believe that majority of universities and colleges accept both the SAT and the ACT but what are the differences between them? I also don't know which one would probably yield a higher score for me...should I take both and see? #sat #act #test-planning #cons #pros #high-school-tests

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Gloria2579 views

What are the most and least rewarding aspects of a mechanical engineer?

I would like to know the ups and downs that come with this career path since I know that every career is not strictly perfect.I want to know what I think I will be getting into and how to handle all those aspects. It would be really helpful to know what to remind myself at the end of the day when it is all over. I have high hopes for mechanical engineering. #career #mechanical-engineering #help #advice #cons #pros

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