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Nicole DiRado’s Avatar

Nicole DiRado

Program Coordinator
Educational Instruction and Library Occupations
Bethlehem, Pennsylvania
5 Answers
8413 Reads
31 Karma

Active Locations

Mehakpreet’s Avatar
Mehakpreet Apr 02, 2020 870 views

What are some courses you should take to be prepared for surgery?

#courses #college

Marie’s Avatar
Marie May 22, 2020 1518 views

Can I Become fluent in ASL?

ASL- American #english #any Sign Language

Joy’s Avatar
Joy Mar 27, 2018 1993 views

On my college application, can I list things I accomplished prior to high school?

I am going to apply for colleges by the end of the year. I have a lot of things I can talk about prior to high school because I was an immigrant and I did a lot back then in another country. I hope I can put those on my college application so then the people can understand me more. #college...

George’s Avatar
George May 19, 2020 1220 views

What to do about college during a global pandemic?

I am currently an incoming senior in college questioning weather or not my college degree and education is going to be worth the amount of time money and effort I have put forth due to a declineing / halted / depressed economic job market as well as schools being unable to educated students...

azur’s Avatar
azur Jan 20, 2018 3578 views

What's the best way to avoid getting distracted when studying?
