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Daniela’s Avatar


New York, New York
93 Questions
4318 Karma

Daniela’s Career Goals

I want to be a medical physician and hope to open a medical practice in the future.

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Daniela Jul 22, 2020 561 views

How many years of education would it take you to become a pediatrician?

#pediatrics #doctor #college

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Daniela Jul 22, 2020 598 views

What are some programs I can join to learn about the medical field?

I am a junior in high school. I would like to be a pediatrician but would like a program that will teach me important information about college and the medical field. #high-school #program #pediatrician #medicalfield

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Daniela Jul 22, 2020 504 views

What are ways I can get scholarships for college?

I am a junior in high school and would like any advice on how to get scholarships #high-school #scholarships