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Ada Indira Avila’s Avatar

Ada Indira Avila

Project Manager
Management Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Panama City, Panama
3 Answers
8178 Reads
1 Karma

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Jyssica’s Avatar
Jyssica May 28, 2020 2670 views

I aspire to become a pastry chef and to own a bakery, what are tips for starting and running a successful business?

I am twenty-three years of age and I have a had a burning passion to enter the culinary world ever since I was a child. Owning my own business is one of my dreams after getting some more hands on experience. What would be some good advice/tips to running a successful bakery? #business #chef...

Michal’s Avatar
Michal Jun 09, 2020 1091 views

What is the best way to bring attention and members to your non profit organization?

I'm in the process of starting a NPO focused on the lack of women in STEM and the empowerment of female leaders. #women-in-stem #engineering #business #computerscience

rana’s Avatar
rana May 14, 2020 4851 views

How do I get volunteer experience to find a job in business management?

I am in college studying business management. I am looking for job but because of less work experience I can not get job. Now I am looking for volunteer opportunities to get me some experience. #business #management #business-management #volunteer