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Ginamarie Spiridigliozzi’s Avatar

Ginamarie Spiridigliozzi

Software Engineer Manager
Management Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Hopkinton, Massachusetts
4 Answers
3385 Reads
2 Karma

Active Locations

Daniel’s Avatar
Daniel Feb 07, 2022 913 views

What is the best language to learn for a computer science career?

I am really interested in going into the field of work of a software engineer or somewhere in the IT department. I know that there are plenty of ways I can prepare for a job like that. I am wondering which language will help me most for the future. I also want to know which language would be...

Erkhes’s Avatar
Erkhes Feb 03, 2022 520 views

How do I get a better understanding of the CS field?

Wanted to know more #computer-programming #science #technology #computer-science

Mickee’s Avatar
Mickee Apr 01, 2021 542 views

What job can I do or what kind of business can I start as a student?

I'm Mickee and I am 20 years old. I'm in 1st year of college under the course of Bachelor of Aeronautical Engineering. I wanna earn some of my own money to help my parent financially. I am fluent in English and I know my ways in technology. I am also computer literate.
#jobs #help #salary #job

MJ’s Avatar
MJ Mar 29, 2021 1609 views

Part time jobs for freshmen CS student?

What type of freelancing or part time jobs should I do while being a student and also want to earn money?

#st #student-development #student #computer #programmer #freelance #computerScience #WebDeveloper #android #ios #technology