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Biju Abraham’s Avatar

Biju Abraham

Management Occupations - Business and Financial Operations Occupations
Fremont, California
10 Answers
10313 Reads
12 Karma

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Ivana’s Avatar
Ivana Jun 17, 2022 1698 views

Hi, if I study information systems, can I get a CPA in accounting or do I have to do accounting by itself? Is there a huge advantage by choosing accounting and getting CPA over doing information systems for 4 years?

I am more interested in information systems than accounting (I think)

Jaden’s Avatar
Jaden Jul 02, 2021 913 views

How to set a career goal ?

#gaming #software #video-games #accounting #police

Somaiya’s Avatar
Somaiya Jun 17, 2021 1209 views

What skillsets should I cultivate during my time in undergrad?

Hello! I was wondering what sorts of skill sets I should be gathering during my time as an undergraduate that will be making me a great candidate for future jobs.

#job #career #college

Bharath’s Avatar
Bharath Jun 16, 2021 1034 views

Hi, I have a interest in Acting, Editing, Photography, Programming language etc.... But After a sometime I have no interest in that. I am thinking I want to do something in that but I can't.. I want solutions

I have a problem to choose my career. #career Thank you

Brionna’s Avatar
Brionna Jun 02, 2021 504 views

Does being a lawyer affect your chances of having a second career ?

I want to pursue my career as a lawyer but I also want to have time to try another career. #career-choice

Javeonte’s Avatar
Javeonte Jun 12, 2021 651 views

What would be the first thing you need to do to start a business?

How I’m javeonte B call me Tyty I’m her to figure out a couple new ideas and get a few of other people point of view on there carrerr goals and how they achieved those goals. #business

Dey'ja’s Avatar
Dey'ja May 07, 2021 1227 views

What are some common career paths in this fields?

I’am passionate about my work, I am ambitious and driven, I am highly organized #career-path #career-choice

Noid’s Avatar
Noid Apr 29, 2021 1489 views

What are some ways of making money as a photographer

#money #photographer #business

Angelina’s Avatar
Angelina May 22, 2019 2189 views

What do you like most about your career?


manuel’s Avatar
manuel May 22, 2018 717 views

How to find your passion

I'm going into college to study something in the medical field. I'm not sure exactly what I want to do but I want to go into the medical field to help others and because medical careers are stable. What are some ways I can explore my career options and find the best fit for me, through...