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Laura Spicciatie’s Avatar

Laura Spicciatie

Business and Financial Operations Occupations
New York, New York
5 Answers
4685 Reads
1 Karma

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Julia’s Avatar
Julia Jun 08, 2021 574 views

Where do you travel to?

#travel and culture

Ivana’s Avatar
Ivana Jun 16, 2021 2079 views

What are the different jobs you can have at a bank?

Hi, I'm a high school student and I've been trying to think of what I want to be when I am older. I think I want to do something relating to finance and money but I'm not sure. I would like to know more about banking specifically. Thanks!
#banking #finance #student

Clementine’s Avatar
Clementine Apr 14, 2021 733 views

What do I need to do right now to get ahead of everyone in a couple years?

My name is Clementine L. and I am currently a junior in high school. I'm planning on becoming a real estate agent in the future. #advice #real-estate #real-estate-advice #high-school #business #finance

Joshua’s Avatar
Joshua May 18, 2021 949 views

Do you need a license to be a stock broker?

#banking #stockbroker

Kendall’s Avatar
Kendall Jun 08, 2021 627 views

Annual Salary

Where are good resources to find the annual #salary for certain careers in Massachusetts? #financial-planning