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Raven’s Avatar
Raven Oct 10, 2022 600 views

What are the ups and down of owning a business?

I was wondering because I want most of my degrees and skills to overlap in some way. I want a degree in business management so it would be nice to know what all is in the process of owning a business.

Margaret Ann’s Avatar
Margaret Ann Aug 15, 2018 800 views

What kind of training and education is needed for a career in Animation or a as CGI Artist?

I'm very interested in a career revolving around the arts, especially with Animations. Would you have any recommendations for any courses, possible future internships, or even schools that have this type of training? Thank you

#carreer #artist

Brianna’s Avatar
Brianna Aug 26, 2022 362 views

how much schooloing is required for becoming an animator

I draw a lot and think that becoming an animator is something I would enjoy im just wondering how much schooling it would take and what are some good colleges to attend

Ani’s Avatar
Ani Oct 10, 2022 565 views

What training programs for digital illustration are there without going to college?

I love art and would love to find a way to improve my art and explore freelance art without it being a full time job.