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Richard Lawrence Guzman’s Avatar

Richard Lawrence Guzman

Graphic Designer / Contributing Journalist
Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, and Media Occupations
Paramus, New Jersey
3 Answers
1715 Reads
12 Karma



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Umima’s Avatar
Umima Jul 25, 2023 355 views

How should I write a better essay for college?

How should I write a better essay for college?

kristen’s Avatar
kristen Jul 23, 2023 597 views

is it worth it to work your life away ?

is it worth it to go to college, get in debt and work your whole life trying to pay off the debt

miles’s Avatar
miles Jul 23, 2023 795 views

What's the hardest part about animating?

Curious about the hardest part of animating, or being an animator in general. Is it the longer hours? Deadlines?