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San Jose, California
7 Questions
511 Karma

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Rob Jun 04, 2015 1193 views

How long does it take to become a psychiatrist, and what are the steps to having a career in medicine? What is the best major to take in order to prepare you for the MCAT?

I will be a freshman at UC Davis this fall and intend to pursue a career in medicine. I currently have sociology as a major, but intend to switch to biology since it will help me in the MCAT. I am not sure if this is the best decision to take. #college #doctor #medicine #biology #majors #psychiatry

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Rob Mar 14, 2014 1868 views

When/how do you know what you want to do in your future career?

I have lost interest in my previous interests, and I do not know where to start. #college #career #university #future

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Rob Mar 14, 2014 2814 views

Why do people drop out of law school, and what keeps someone motivated?

Im in junior in high school and I have always wanted to become a lawyer, but I am constantly meeting people who dropped out of law school which is making me wonder if law will be a part of my future. #law #government #lawyers #business-lawyer

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Rob Mar 12, 2014 1926 views

What type of business will be skyrocketing within the next 20 years?

I am a junior in high school and I plan on having my own business, but I do not know what majors I should study in college and the type of business I should create. #business #entrepreneur #business-law #e-business

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Rob Mar 05, 2014 1366 views

What steps should someone take to pursue their dreams of becoming a judge?

I am in high school and wish to become a judge, but I do not know what steps I should be taking. #law #lawyer #government #judge #court

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Rob Mar 05, 2014 1273 views

What type of internship should a high school student take in order to know more about psychology but especially forensic psychology?

I am a high school student who is looking for an internship involving psychology. #medicine #psychology #health #forensic

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Rob Mar 04, 2014 2821 views

For some one in law, what advice would you give to someone who wants to become a lawyer?

I am trying to figure out my future with law. I have always wanted to become a lawyer, but I have had some recent doubts. With that being said I am just looking for some advice about being a lawyer. #business #law #lawyer #government #judge