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Lisa Agos’s Avatar

Lisa Agos

HR Data Analyst
Sales and Related Occupations
Lake in the Hills, Illinois
3 Answers
2931 Reads
1 Karma

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abigail’s Avatar
abigail Aug 11, 2023 1601 views

How do you handle a situation where two people aren't working well together?

Understand the nature of the conflict.
Encourage employees to work it out themselves.
Listen to both sides.
Determine the real issue, together.
Consult your employee handbook.
Find a solution.

Ying Lin’s Avatar
Ying Lin Jun 17, 2023 1165 views

What should I work on this summer if I want to be a data analyst?

If I want to become a data analyst, are there any skills I should work on, technical skills I should learn, and/or books I should read to learn more about this field?

Yaasmin’s Avatar
Yaasmin Apr 04, 2024 908 views

What advice would you give someone looking to pursue a career in your career field ?

What advice would you give someone looking to pursue a career in your career field ?