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mariam Elsherief’s Avatar

mariam Elsherief

ui ux
Cairo, Cairo Governorate, Egypt
4 Answers
3228 Reads
2 Karma

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Melissa’s Avatar
Melissa Mar 26, 2024 1292 views

How I can get hired as a UX/UI Designer in Los Angeles, CA ?

I have four years of related experience and bachelors degree but from Colombia. I have been applying to job offer but I continued to get rejected

C’s Avatar
C Mar 12, 2019 1415 views

What are the steps needed to be a UX designer?

From your experience and journey to a UX designer, what online resources & bootcamps you have used to get where you are right now? Which bootcamps or online learning platforms you would recommend for a person w/o much prior knowledge in coding and programming language? Thank you!...

aesha’s Avatar
aesha Jul 26, 2017 1538 views

How should i get idea for my new ui/ux project!?

I am keen to work and solve UI/UX problems but I am running out of new unique ideas, its research phase for me. any ideas on how and what should I work on!?
#uiux #ideas #design #project #inspiration #user-interface-design #user problems #japan

Anastasiia’s Avatar
Anastasiia May 20, 2023 2044 views

How to build portfolio for ux/ui designer role?

How to build portfolio for ux/ui designer role if there were no real life projects. Maybe some tips on where to start, how many projects to include, and the best way to present them