Nolan’s Career Goals
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What aresome good colleges which have complementary majors/minors in both fashion design and cosmetology?
In North Carolina I was wondering what colleges are best for these fields. #college #fashion #cosmetology #makeup #cosmetics #hair-stylist #clothing-design

How do the apparel and the hair/makeup of a fashion show work yogethrr to craft a specific aesthetic?
I want to pursue a career in either Apparel Design or Cosmetology, and I would like to know how the two can correspond with each other. #cosmetology #makeup #apparel-and-fashion #fashion-shows #hair-stylist #clothing-design

Should science and math be majors?
In the cosmetology field in college is science and math majors for it? Or is it a WHOLE different field itself? #college #science #math #cosmetology

Should math and science be majors?
In the cosmetology field in college is science and math majors for it? Or is it a WHOLE different field itself? #college #science #math #cosmetology

How much investment is needed to become started?
To start entrepreneurship what is the ranking of investment you'll have to pay to become started in business? Does it depend on what type of buisness it is? #entrepreneurship #investment-management #buisness

What colleges allow this major?
I was curious to what colleges in North Carolina that give good majors for entrepreneurship. #college #university #entrepreneurship #buisness

How do you get started?
I'm entrepreneurs how do you become successful? How would you maintain a stable business that is sustainable? #entrepreneurship

Can you go to a four-year college for this?
In a cosmetology field are there colleges that teach four years of it? #colleges #cosmetology #cosmetics #hair-stylist

How well does cosmetology pay?
A career goal of mine would be cosmetology, it's one of my dream jobs and I was curious to know the rankings on how well you can be payed for a particular job in this field. #fashion #cosmetology #makeup #hair #dressers