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Raphael Rahola’s Avatar

Raphael Rahola

New York, New York
3 Answers
4302 Reads
1 Karma

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YS’s Avatar
YS Oct 17, 2024 3272 views

How do you handle the lack of skill preparation for a job search?

I recently graduated from college, finally! But I'm not sure if I'm qualified to be the Business Analyst that I was told that I could be. I was watching a video on what a business analyst does and it said that I'm supposed to know PowerBI and other data visualization tools. Never learned any...

Aiwen’s Avatar
Aiwen Oct 07, 2024 658 views

How do you make connections with others to ensure you have an opportunity in securing internships or careers?

As a current highschool student, I would like to know more about networking with people and keeping long-term relationships with them to foster job-opportunities or internships in future.

Jacey’s Avatar
Jacey Oct 18, 2024 913 views

How do you get a career in an art field that still manages to pay well?

How do you get a career in an art field that still manages to pay well?