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Emma Izquierdo’s Avatar

Emma Izquierdo

Pre Kindergarten Teacher at Early World Children's School
Educational Instruction and Library Occupations
Seattle, Washington
6 Answers
6482 Reads
1 Karma

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Emma’s Career Stories

What is the one piece of career advice you wish someone gave you when you were younger?

A piece of advice of advice that I wish that I had gotten when I was younger was to not close off other paths. Try other avenues, hobbies and push your limits. For the longest time I wanted to be a lawyer because I loved debate but, when I took my first law class I hated it. I was miserable and when you become an adult you realize that the personal choices you make will have a bigger impact on your life. My personal choices that I was making was that I wanted to be able to be home with the people I love and still make a decent living. For others becoming rich or making a difference in the world is what drives them. Don't just choose a path and stick to it early in life; push yourself out of your comfort zone. Explore your interests, explore who you are. You may surprise yourself and fall in love or our of love with many different careers. But, don't hold yourself back by telling yourself because you said you are going to become a doctor, a lawyer, a teacher, a whatever that means you have to become that. You have free will so use it.