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Kansas City, Missouri
10 Questions
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Darrian May 18, 2017 2473 views

How did failing a class in college affect your career decision?

I have recently just finished my first year of college. I am currently an Industrial Engineering major and i have failed calculus 2. At the moment, i am feeling very disappointed in myself and am considering switching majors. I know that is is my fault that I did not put in the necessary time...

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Darrian Jun 04, 2016 969 views

What summer course should i enroll in?

Hello. I have just recently graduated from high school and am planning to attend college in the fall. I will be taking a summer class at a local community college and I was wondering which class should I sign up for. I was thinking about signing up for chemistry intro. Is this hard. I took...

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Darrian Apr 26, 2016 1125 views

What General Education Class should I take over the summer?

Hello, I am a senior in high school and I am preparing for college. I am taking summer course over the summer at a community college that is worth 3 credits. What GenEd class should i take over the summer? I plan to major in electrical engineering if that makes it easier for an answer....

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Darrian Jun 07, 2015 1700 views

What documents do you need to apply for college?

While it is summer I want to prepare for the college deadlines. What would I need to gather to submit to the colleges? #college

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Darrian Apr 26, 2015 1212 views

What does a degree in finance get me?

I am debating on whether or not to pursue this major. I am good a math. Is there any other attributes that would be helpful in this field that I need to know of? #mathematics #numbers

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Darrian Apr 26, 2015 6065 views

Which branch of engineering is more math than physics?

I am still trying to figure out which branch of engineering is best for me. I like to do math, but i am not that great at physics. I am ok with chemistry but not a whole lot go it. Could i get a list of which branches would be best for me? If applicable #engineering #math

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Darrian Apr 16, 2015 1404 views

Which branch of engineering is best for me?

Hello, iam a junior in high school and I have an interest into engineering. I am debating on which branch is best for me. Currently, I am taking statistics in high school and i am fairly efficient in chemistry. Physics is not my strong suit but I can learn. I am leaning towards software...

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Darrian Feb 24, 2015 1815 views

What are the steps to becoming a computer programmer?

I was interested in computers and was wondering how to approach this career. How do i prepare while in junior year of high school? What majors would I consider majoring? #programming #computer-engineering

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Darrian Feb 24, 2015 2231 views

what to major in if you want to be an accountant?

I was wondering which major to pursue when trying to be an accountant. #business #accounting #math

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Darrian Feb 18, 2015 2205 views

How did you go about becoming an accountant?

I am a junior in high school and I as interested in the field. I like math and crunching numbers. Is this the major for me? #finance #accounting #math #accountant