Career questions tagged art-careers

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Aliz300 views

What is it like to do art?

I love to do art it is nice and relaxing

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Alivia562 views

Any artists willing to be interviewed?

I have a school project and part of it is interviewing someone from my chosen field. I want to be a fine artist, and would appreciate it if any fine artists/artists in general would be willing to answer my questions. If you are able to, please answer the following questions. Thanks in advance! 1. When did you first decide that you wanted to work as an artist? 2. How long have you been working as an artist? 3. Would you say it’s an easy job? 4. Did you go to an art college or get some form of education for this career? If so, what school did you go to? 5. How has your art career been so far? 6. What is your motivation for making art? 7. Where do you get your inspiration for your artwork? 8. What materials do you use? Do you stick to a few specific ones or do you like to branch out? 9. Does art help you with other skills in life? 10. What have been your favorite and least favorite parts about being an artist? 11. Have you ever collaborated with other artists? If so, what was it like? 12. What advice would you give to any aspiring artists out there?

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Ivy389 views

What is the hardest part of being an artist?

What is the hardest part of being a fine artist?

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Akera435 views

"how is it possible that I get better art lesson?

I want to start doing art more it's my fav.

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Reagan408 views

How do I sell my art ?

If I did this on the side while doing medical school would it be smart? If I play basketball and do nursing I’m collage woul that be a lot.

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