Career questions tagged working-in-big-companies

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Jeancarlo914 views

What is a skill or quality most people overlook when it comes to interviewing that is actually vitally important?

As a college student, the transition to the workforce is happening really soon. Since I will have to do many interviews, what soft skill or quality should I make sure I have in order to make myself as hirable as possible? #interviews #jobs #computer-science #professional-development #stem #working-in-big-companies

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Tiffany 4505 views

Due to the competitive nature, do Big 4 firms discriminate against students who start at a community college?

So I am a student at community college for financial reasons, however I do not want that to make me a 'weaker' candidate. If it does, what can I do to set myself apart from the pack? #accounting #community-college #auditing #working-in-big-companies #deloitte #ey #kpmg #pwc

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Wenge1309 views

How to sell myself to the company?

Em, to show them all of my ability in once. What is the best way to promote me? #job #interviews #promotions #working-in-big-companies

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Julian3567 views

How likely are big tech companies such as Apple, Google, Facebook, etc. going to pay for my Master's education in Computer Science?

I am a high school senior about to graduate and attend San Jose State University majoring in Computer Science. I intend to attain a B.S. degree in my major with an emphasis in software engineering. I did some research concerning the degrees associated with my major and found that the average salary increase isn't worth the costs of obtaining a Master's degree. I've heard from some of my teachers that some companies are willing to pay for my education but I'm not entirely sure how many companies there are that actually do this. Even further, I'm not even certain if the companies I want to work for are willing to do that. I want to know so I can make the decision to stay in school for my Master's or just remain with a Bachelor's degree in the future. Thank you very much for your time. #computer-science #software-engineering #degrees #working-in-big-companies #financial-planning

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Thomas930 views

How do you use your linkedin profile to it's full advantage to get a job?

I've made a linkedin profile and I don't quite understand how to use it to obtain a job that I want. I am currently a sophomore in college, I major in Civil Environmental engineering and I would like to know how using Linkedin can help me find a job. Thank you. #job #linkedin #ceo #working-in-big-companies

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