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Clement Willard Talluri’s Avatar

Clement Willard Talluri

Application Support Engineer
Business and Financial Operations Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Ashburn, Virginia
4 Answers
4106 Reads
41 Karma

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Price’s Avatar
Price Jul 17, 2020 888 views

What is the best way to prepare for the GRE? Also, when is the best time to take it?

I'm in the middle of my undergraduate Exercise Physiology degree and getting ready to apply to PT school in about 2 years. #physicaltherapy #graduateschool #testing #GRE #JULY20

Yekaterina’s Avatar
Yekaterina Jan 16, 2018 1694 views

Do employers care whether I earned my degree from a four-year or a community college?

I'm trying to understand whether employers place a lot of emphasis on where a potential employee get their degree. I want to save money by transferring from a community college to a four-year, but I'm worried it may cheapen my profile when I start looking for a career. I have commonly heard the...

Jocelyne’s Avatar
Jocelyne Jan 22, 2018 977 views

What is the best way to get help financially to get my masters?

I don't know if there are scholarships for masters program. I want to get my masters degree in clinical mental health counseling and I want to also know if there is anything I should do to prepare myself. I still have about . 2 years left until I graduate from my bachelors. #masters-degree...

Jessica’s Avatar
Jessica Jul 09, 2020 1243 views

What actions would you take in your first month on the job?

#entrepreneur #business #military